May you forgive every fault that I've done. Because the fasting month almost over and the day will come.
I'm telling you now. I'm sorry :)
Shara Marcheline
Kamis, 09 September 2010
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 01.00 0 komentar
Jumat, 03 September 2010
Eight is a typical entity which figure a never ending story
Shara Marcheline
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 05.18 0 komentar
Kamis, 08 Juli 2010
Well, frankly..dom't what to say but kinda bored perhaps.
This is sucks. Holiday mean a lot to me because it's hard to have
time to relax like. I really want to enjoy that but there was nothing
more happened beside stayed at home doing nothing or watching tv. Not as cool as I expected
Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Hangout would be great but I can't and you know why :")tired of them. Too much pressure from them. Yelled. Madnest. God damn!
I think that's all sorry for the umm.. junks! What else? One thing
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 04.54 0 komentar
Selasa, 29 Juni 2010
bon voyage, Luqman, you can certainly get the best! I hope you always success in your new life took in washington dc :").. good luck!
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 07.22 0 komentar
Minggu, 20 Juni 2010
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 03.54 0 komentar
10 Alasan Berlari
1. Kita tak perlu mempelajari bagaimana cara berlari.Berlari merupakan olahraga yang paling sederhana bin simple. Kita tidak perlu mempelajari peraturannya atau cara-caranya layaknya bermain sepak bola atau basket. Jika anda tau bagaimana cara berjalan (kita mempelajarinya sejak bayi) pasti kamu tau bagaimana cara berlari juga.
2. Say goodbye kepada kegemukan.Para peneliti dari University of Dublin megatakan bahwasanya berlari selama 30 menit saja, bisa membakar 391 kaliri, padahal jika bersepeda dengan waktu yang sama, kalori yang dibakar hanya sebanyak 277 kalori, dan saat bermain tenis hanya 272 kalori.
3. Kita akan menjadi lebih bahagia.Menurut Andrew Mac Kalots, kepala peneliti Institute of Mental Health, Inggris, latihan fisik bisa menstimulus keluarnya endorphin, senyawa yang bisa mengurangi stress dan bisa membuat kita merasa bahagia.
6. Cocok dengan segala kondisi cuaca. Walau cuaca panas, cuaca dingin, sedang hujan, juga berangin, tidak adalasan untuk tidak jogging. Tidak ada yang bisa menghentikan kita untuk tidak berlari.
7. Dunia adalah milik kita, saat berlari. Berlari tiap pagi merupakan pengalaman yang indah. Ketika masih banyak orang yang terlelap di tempat tidurnya, kita keluar rumah untuk jogging dan menikmati indahnya pagi, sepinya jalan, SENDIRIAN...Melihat matahari terbit, woooow... Bukankah itu kepuasan tersendiri bagi kita..?
8. Tidur lebih nyenyak.Para peneliti dari Medical School, Stanford University pernah menyuruh orang yang tinggal menetap dan menderita insomnia, untuk berlari selama 20-30 menit tiap hari. Dan hasilnya, mereka bisa tidur nyenyak dan durasi tidur mereka bertambah satu jam.
10. Jarang bertemu dokter.Aktivitas fisik bisa membuat sel tubuh siap untuk melawan infeksi. Itulah yang dikatakan oleh Kath Collins, ahli diet dari St George Hospital, London. Berdasarkan penelitian di University of North Carolina, orang yang jogging selama 15 menit, 5 kali dalam seminggu, resiko sakit menyerang tubuhnya akan berkurang 50%.
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 03.37 0 komentar
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Born in 1986, he is also an aquarius like Jaejoong. He is the team's leader and the bass vocal-part of the group. Having too many thoughts being a distinctive character trait of an A-blood type, Yunho also carries this trait. Won the Best Dancer award from SM and is the most talented in dancing. His hobby is to choreograph. Has experience as a rapper from Dana's 1st album song--Diamond. He likes to play basketball, and is talented in martial arts (hap ki do) for he placed 3rd in a contest. On the other hand, he enjoys writing fictional stories and has diverse thoughts. DBSG's oldest member, U-Know YunHo Yunho is often mistaken for the oldest in the group because he is the leader (Jaejoong is the oldest). As he particpated in the church choir he has the position of the base(the lowest note in male group) in the group. Yunho had a hard time becoming a singer. His father opposed of it. But now his father is the biggest supporter. Yunho is going to study hard and major in music in college. Just by looking at his face, it seems he grew up without any hardship right? Not, before he became a singer, 3 years ago, he left his home at GwangGoo and went to Seoul because he wanted to become a singer. From this time, he prepared to become a singer with YoungWoong Jaejoong. Since both of their circumstances weren't good they did part-time jobs at law schools and saunas and practiced hard.
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 19.24 0 komentar
No Limit
cha bung gun a.k.a yunho with kang hae bin
kang hae bin is the daughter of the leader of football club where cha bung was playing in. Kang hae bin was cha bung gun's agent. Cha bung gun didn't know that kang hae bin is the daughter of the FC Leader till' he fired from the club, then Jang Seng Wu told him the truth about kang hae bin because Jang Seng Wu was upset kang hae bin loose her chance and her dream being agent just to bringing back cha bung gun to the FC team. Although Jang seng wu always hurt cha bung gun, cha bung gun never told kang hae bin. Cha bung gun fall in love with her. Finnaly kang hae bin knew what happened with cha bung it was all because jang seng wu, then she finnaly realize that she love cha bung gun too......
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 19.02 0 komentar
Minggu, 13 Juni 2010
Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010
whuaaaaa.....finally free from those mthrfvkin' tasks!!! and hell yeah holy holiday !! the exam was overrrr !!!! well, my score? not too bad and thank god it's over! now, i miss 8E, really miss those moments where we spend together :'(. i wanna describe how 8E is like, but sorry i won't use English.
aliya poninya keren banget! gaul gilaaaak, baik banget, seksi...haha gadeng kan badanmu bagushh al...dan sangat jago dance
hakim kimduuuutt!! dangdut, maksudnya jempolnya itu lhoo kok bisa banget sih haha, go persija!
zio cool. baik. GAUL. main gitarnya jago banget katanya dia gak les lho tapi otodidak keren banget
barqi rohis kita tapi bokep haha pis bar :p pinter banget waktu sd dia juara umum 1 wohooo
dhika balcky! haha gadeng dia gak seitem itu kok. keliatannya sih pendiem tapiii... haha
anne PRINCESS :D rambut indomie gadeng nee rambut dia bagus banget kok, dia itu eksis tapi dia selalu rendah hati dan tidak mengakui haha narziiizzz tapi dia itu beneran cantik
arvin arbir, arbull, hmm apa lagi yaa? baik, asik banget, kabid wohooo pinter
karina JUPE <3 style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">dyah HOLY! baik banget, puinterrr banget mana rajin aduh jadi iri haha gampang ketawa dan gampang bikin orang ketawa juga
ega waktu labsky movie parade dia paling mirip sama karakter the Simpson, jago main stik es krim
mia lebaaylebay maniaa haha gadeng miii dia itu lebay buat seru2an, otaknya juga lebay yaitu pintar ye gak mi?
iko fun bangetbangetan, seru, asik, rambutnya keren tapi jarang di gerai
ganen jago banget kalo soal komputer *terutama hack* salah satu tukang main gitar 8E
gianty kalo ngomong s jadi sy haha pis giii :P cute banget, baik ga milih temen, larinya super kenceng
gilang hado gidang haha. lawak lang
inaz ga bakal pernah lupa sama suaranya haha pinter banget matematika
jafar HEY MINI! annoying jafar haha gadeng jaf dia itu paling suka ngomong *ga pernah berhenti ngomong* nabi apa yang di sukai jafar? hayoooo
kalista temen buat mading haha kreatif banget
ella BUNCIS *bule prancis* penampilan?cantik. sumpeh demi jaejoong deeh haha. temen tarik2an sabuk silat, temen loncat2 ga jelas, temen teriak2, hmm.. samuel rizal :P
luqman setiap ulangan pasti yang lain belom selese dia udah tidur haha pinter dia. tanggal 26 :'(
eki nyolot tapi kocak haha main gitarnya WOHOOO keren, clan m. eki
ical duo mini haha rajin dan pintar
rendy die! haha , bisa main skateboard gak?
sabilal cerita yang di jepang itu serem banget sab haha
satrio AYOK! di kartu pelajar di tulisnya perempuan haha pinky boy wakaka
syarif SWAWIF! kalo ngomong tiga jadi tega haha suka di bully, sabar ya
dimayuna bukunya bagus2, diam2 menghanyutkan
dhirkhan TOAA gadeng tapi kan seru iya kan dhir? pokoknya \m/
odit jago gitar
Putri cantiiik, cutie, pinter bhs Inggris
Sasha a.k.a Queen Margareta Eduardo Domikado Eskado, our class leader
Reyhan Cina glodok, kalo ngakak lawaqq bgt
Cindy gaul, azeek, suka Korea, cute :3
Shara -----------------
Miranda suka ngurusin 8E, anaknya lawak bikin ngakak
Tena talk less do more
Taufik Rama Spider Pig! Piggy! ter-JB sedunia
Puput azeek bgt
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 21.43 0 komentar
Selasa, 01 Juni 2010
wish me luck for this busy june!!
Whoawhoawhoaa...Hello June!!! Good bye May and say hello to June! Oh gosh this june would be very busy month, not because of the task but about wishing all things going right and success:)before wishing something I wanna apologize if I had mistakes.Then, what happen in june? EXAM!SCORE!THE LAST MONTH WITH 8E!
Make it simple guys,first these are my wishes:
1. EXAM!!! I wish my score would be better than the last. I wish 90 would be my minimum score for the exam. Not just me but also #8!! AMIIN YA ROBBALALAMIIN YA ALLAH!!!
2. Report Card! I wish my score would make my parent proud! Better of course. UP I really hope so. AMIIN YA ALLAH!
3. No more problems and of course be a better person:)
AMIIIN !!!! YA ROBBALALAMIN !! Oh god please grant my wishes...
The last, please wish me and #8 luck for everything! I wish you luck too :D:D:D
And..once again..
Sorry for my bad grammar ;P
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 05.13 0 komentar
Senin, 31 Mei 2010
Thanks and Sorry
I am very grateful to all my friends who have cared and been very helpful so far. thank you for your attention and your honesty. indeed, it is very meaningful and I'm very grateful. sorry. I'm so sorry. if I had a mistake please forgive me. It's good to know what exactly my bad habbit. I feel I have many flaws that still need to be corrected. please help me ya! I really want to be better.better person. thank you and sorry once. I really really love you guys!
Sorry for the grammar :)
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 05.07 0 komentar
Minggu, 30 Mei 2010
"Music is all around us. All you have to do is listen"
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 07.52 0 komentar
Jumat, 28 Mei 2010
August Rush
Yesterday, my teacher showed me kinda good movie titled August was drama and bored at first but if really pay attention you may say that it's great!A ugust Rush is a 2007 American drama film directed by Kirsten Sheridan and written by Paul Castro, Nick Castle, and James V. Hart, and produced by Richard Barton Lewis. It has been referred to as an up-to-date reworking of the Oliver Twist story by Charles Dickens.[2]
12-year-old Evan Taylor (Freddie Highmore) grows up an outcast in a home for boys, all the while believing that his parents are alive. He can hear music in everything: the light, the wind, rustling leaves. He believes that he can hear the music from his parents. He believes that they always wanted him and would come and get him someday.
He meets a social service worker, Richard Jeffries (Terrence Howard), of the New York Child Services Department. Evan tells him he does not want to be adopted. Jeffries likes Evan and gives him his card. He wants Evan to confide in him if the need should ever arise.
Through a series of flashbacks, Evan's parents are revealed to be Lyla Novacek (Keri Russell), a famous teenage concert cellist, and Louis Connelly (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), an Irish guitarist and lead singer of a rock band. They met at the same party and spent a romantic night together. Due to Lyla's strict father, Lyla was unable to meet Louis where she'd agreed to and they parted, apparently never to see each other again.
Lyla became pregnant with their child. Her father did not approve of this, wanting instead for Lyla to have a successful career without the obstacle of a child. After an argument with her father, Lyla ran out of a restaurant and was hit by a car. While in the hospital, she gave birth to a son. The last thing she was aware of was the nurses telling her that the baby's heartbeat was falling. When she wakes, her father implies that the child didn't make it. Unbeknownst to her, the baby survived and her father had forged her signature on the adoption papers. Both Louis and Lyla gave up their performing careers after losing each other, and neither was aware of their son's existence.
Evan has a very strong faith that if he could learn to play the music, he will have a chance to be found by his parents. He believes that they will hear him. So he runs away to New York City, in the process losing Jeffries' card. He meets Arthur (Leon G. Thomas III), a pre-teen street-corner guitarist, playing in Washington Square Park. He follows Arthur home and is taken in by Maxwell "Wizard" Wallace (Robin Williams), who houses various orphans and runaways, teaching and employing them to play music on the streets and taking a large cut of their tips. Evan immediately proves to be a musical child prodigy. Wizard enlists him and gives him the name "August Rush", convincing him he will be sent back to the orphanage if his real name is ever discovered.
Lyla only discovers that her son is alive when her father, on his deathbed, confesses what actually happened. Lyla immediately sets out to New York to look for her now 12-year-old son. Louis, meanwhile, is harassed by his brother and former bandmate at a party, causing him to re-examine his life. He ultimately discovers Lyla's full name and whereabouts in Chicago, and quits his job to go there, hoping to reconcile.
After a raid on Wizard's abandoned theater home by the police, triggered by Jeffries, Evan takes refuge in an inner-city church. He again impresses with his natural musical talent and is brought to the Juilliard School, where he is enrolled in classes as "August Rush." He excels at his studies, and a work he composes is chosen to be performed by the New York Philharmonic at a concert in Central Park. Unfortunately, Wizard barges into the dress rehearsal, and "August", under threat of being revealed as Evan, reluctantly follows him back to his life of performing music on the streets.
Meanwhile, Lyla has discovered Evan's identity through Jeffries, and has decided to stay in New York while searching for her son. While there, she decides to resume her career as a cellist, and is invited to play in the same Central Park concert. Louis, being wrongly told by Lyla's former neighbor in Chicago that Lyla has since married, also returns to New York to resume playing with his former band. He has a chance meeting with Evan, who has returned to his corner at Washington Square Park, and they play an improvised piece together, although neither knows their blood relationship to the other. Louis encourages "August" not to give up in his music, and not to miss his concert.
The night of the concert, Evan finally chooses to run from Wizard, helped by Arthur, in favor of performing at his concert. After his own concert with his band at a local nightclub, Louis sees Evan's pseudonym along with Lyla's name on a sign billing the concert, and races on foot to Central Park. Meanwhile, Jeffries connects Evan to his alias after discovering a misplaced CPS flyer for August Rush, posted after his disappearance from Juilliard, and also heads to the concert. Evan conducts his rhapsody, attracting both Lyla and Louis to the front of the crowd, where they meet and reconcile, Lyla also realizing that "August" is her son Evan. At its conclusion, when Evan turns around to see Lyla and Louis standing hand in hand, he knows that he is reunited with his mother and father at last.
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 05.12 0 komentar
go ahead
If you hate me say it. I'm fine. Sure. If don't like some of my bad habbit go ahead you better say. If you do, care about me. About my future. Frankly I just wanna say that I can't stand near two-face people. Well, alergic perhaps or hate.
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 03.15 0 komentar
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
"Failure is a success if you learn from it"
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 02.25 0 komentar
Rabu, 26 Mei 2010
Our Wall Magazine
okay sooo, they gave me and my friends (kalista, gianty) a task. We have to make kind of wall magazine. Each class gave one wall magazine to OSIS. You know what? if we're not making the task so we have to pay Rp 10.000. well, maybe that was not too expensive, but it still money and we still pay. we make it! just need a day to finished it and i wanna show the picture of our hard work and tired to make this wall magazine. Sorry if it was not too WOW perhaps...:(
yeah the topic was cyber crime! and this is the criminal
that's all guys hope you could do better than i do :P and good luck for all the task that you have to finish!
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 07.46 0 komentar
who i love
i wanna tell you people who i love, who i miss, who i want to meet and the best ever
ALIX #23
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 07.36 0 komentar
HOLAAAA! I have a new friend. we laughed together, cried together, having fun together. and of course we help each other. if someone is having trouble then all would be helpful. We created a lot of such trends, the game ice cream sticks, JB's license card, novels, and anything that might only be found in our class. We are very happy, yes, very. Although sometimes the problems come, we were able to finish it. Most importantly, we are honest. if we do not like then we will say that we do not like. However, in the end we will not hate each other. It is a point that should be underlined. and our class was called "8ELOGGER". this is us...
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 07.20 0 komentar
ooohh i miss them, i miss those moment where i spend my time with them, i miss those moment when i laughed with them and ooohhh i just miss 7b more than anything....
but i really enjoy in 8th grade although i miss them
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 06.53 0 komentar
Jumat, 21 Mei 2010
SIM (surat izin men-JB)
hey guys!! today I and my friends made a new trend that we call a trend JB! We made a card similar to a driver's license card. For those who did not know the meaning of JB I'll tell you. JB is an activity where you can join a group or person who is doing an activity. Now I will show you the card.
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 06.14 0 komentar
men always holds his own words
Diposting oleh Shara Marcheline di 06.03 0 komentar